Watch Carlisha Hood and Son video – Jeremy Brown death at West Pullman Restaurant Chicago

A Chicago woman and her 14-year-old son are facing murder charges after a physical altercation inside a fast food restaurant turned deadly when the woman allegedly ordered her son to fire shots at a 32-year-old man who physically assaulted her…

Carlishia Hood, 35, and her 14 year old son have each been charged with first-degree murder stemming from the fatal shooting of woman beater Jeremy Brown at a West Pullman restaurant…

Hood, who was also charged with a felony count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, was ordered held on a $3 million D-bond during a hearing Thursday, meaning she must pay 10% of that amount to be released from custody. Her son, whose name has not been released, is set to appear in juvenile court…

Assistant State’s Attorney Anne McCord Rodgers said Hood and her 14 year old son drove to the Maxwell Street Express restaurant in the 11600 block of South Halsted Street to get food around 11 p.m. Sunday.

Hood went inside while her 14 year old son stayed in their vehicle, but once inside she got into a verbal argument with Brown (deceased), whom she did not know prior to this incident.

That altercation escalated and turned physical when Brown began violently beating and punching Hood in the head at least three times, McCord Rodgers said.

As the violent physical assault was happening to the mother, the 14-year-old son entered the restaurant, pulled his mother’s handgun from his hoodie pocket and shot Brown(deceased) in the back — to stop him from violently assaulting of his mother…

Brown (deceased) fled the restaurant, but Hood allegedly yelled at her son to kill Brown as the 14 year old pursued Brown (deceased) and fired additional shots at him to defend his helpless mother —according to McCord Rodgers..

Brown was struck twice and ultimately died of his injuries.

The entire incident was captured on video, according to McCord Rodgers, portions of which were published by the Chicago Police Department earlier this week in an effort to identify the suspects.

During a bond hearing, Cook County Judge Barbara Dawkins noted that according to the allegations, Brown did punch Hood, but that he was killed as he tried to escape from the restaurant.

“The threat at that point was over,” she said of Brown attempting to flee. “Things can bear themselves out differently at trial, but that at that point was not defense of others. That was first-degree murder.”

Interesting, how the police get away with murdering unarmed black men regularly who are shot in the back while running away or trying to escape capture…

Mother Charged With Murder for Allegedly Telling Son to Shoot a Man After FightThe incident allegedly began inside a take-out restaurant in Chicago on Sunday night

a man with whom she’d argued inside a Chicago take-out restaurant, according to reports Thursday.

Carlishia Hood, 35, went into a Maxwell Street Express outlet on the city’s South Side to pick up some food while the unidentified boy waited in her SUV around 11 p.m.

Carlisha Hood and Son video – Jeremy Brown death at West Pullman Restaurant Chicago
As Hood waited for her order, she reportedly got into an argument with Jeremy Brown, 32, whose girlfriend began laughing and egging him on, according to NBC Chicago.

Hood texted her son, who walked into the restaurant and saw Brown punch his mother in the head.

The boy allegedly pulled out a handgun from his hoodie’s pocket and shot Brown in the back, after which Brown ran out into the parking lot.Hood and her son followed, with Hood allegedly telling the teen to kill Brown as he allegedly kept firing.

The entire incident was reportedly captured by surveillance cameras, with portions of the recordings released by the Chicago Police Department on Tuesday.